그룹 방탄소년단(BTS) 멤버인 RM과 진이 코로나 19 완치 판정을 받았습니다.
4일 빅히트 뮤직은 "방탄소년단 멤버 RM과 진이 코로나19 완치 판정을 받았다. 이날 오후 12시부로 격리 해제됐다"고 밝혔습니다.
빅히트 뮤직은 "RM과 진은 격리기간 동안 건강 상태에 특별한 증세를 보이지 않았다. 다만 진의 경우 재택 치료 초기에 미열 등 경미한 증세를 보였으나 완쾌됐다"며고 건강 상태를 전했습니다.
이어 "아티스트의 건강을 걱정해 주신 팬 여러분과 코로나19를 극복하기 위해 힘쓰시는 의료진 여러분께 깊이 감사드린다. 당사는 앞으로도 아티스트의 건강과 안전을 최우선으로 고려하고 방역 지침을 성실히 준수하겠다"고 덧붙였다.
방탄소년단의 맏형 진은 멤버 제이홉의 SNS에 "죄홉, 나 4키로 빠졌어. 밥사줘야해"라며 그간의 고생을 털어놨습니다.
방탄소년단 RM과 진·슈가는 지난 8월 말 코로나19 백신 2차 접종을 완료한 상태임에도 돌파 감염됐다. 슈가는 전일 코로나19 완치 판정을 받아 격리해제됐습니다.
RM and Jin, members of the group BTS, have been diagnosed with complete recovery from COVID-19.
On the 4th, Big Hit Music said, "RM and Jin, members of BTS, were diagnosed with complete recovery from COVID-19." RM and Jin were released from quarantine as of 12 p.m. that day, he said.
Big Hit Music said, "RM and Jin showed no special symptoms of health during the quarantine period. However, Jin showed minor symptoms such as mild fever in the early stages of home treatment, but he completely recovered" he said.
"I deeply appreciate the fans who worried about the artist's health and the medical staff who are working hard to overcome COVID-19. We will continue to consider the health and safety of artists as our top priority and faithfully comply with the quarantine guidelines" he added.
Jin, the eldest brother of BTS, posted on member J-Hope's SNS, "J-Hope, I lost 4kg. "Buy me a meal," he said.
BTS RM and Jin and Suga were infected through the breakthrough even though they had completed the second round of COVID-19 vaccination at the end of August. Suga was released from quarantine the previous day after being diagnosed with a cure for COVID-19.
RM et Jin, membres du groupe BTS, ont reçu un diagnostic de guérison complète du COVID-19.
Le 4, Big Hit Music a déclaré: "RM et Jin, membres du BTS, ont été diagnostiqués comme étant complètement guéris de COVID-19. RM et Jin ont été libérés de la quarantaine ce jour-là" dit-il.
Big Hit Music a déclaré: "RM et Jin n'ont montré aucun symptôme de santé particulier pendant la période de quarantaine. Cependant, Jin a montré des symptômes mineurs tels qu'une fièvre légère au début du traitement à domicile, mais il s'est complètement rétabli", a-t-il déclaré.
"on apprécie profondément les fans qui se sont inquiétés pour la santé de l'artiste et le personnel médical qui travaille dur pour surmonter COVID-19. Nous continuerons à considérer la santé et la sécurité des artistes comme notre priorité absolue et à nous conformer fidèlement aux directives de quarantaine", a-t-il déclaré. ajoutée.
Jin a posté sur le SNS du membre J-Hope, "J-Hope, j'ai perdu 4 kg.", a-t-il dit.
BTS RM et Jin et Suga ont été infectés lors de la percée même s'ils avaient terminé le deuxième cycle de vaccination contre le COVID-19 à la fin du mois d'août. Suga a été libéré de la quarantaine la veille après avoir reçu un diagnostic de remède contre le COVID-19.
2021.12.26 - [분류 전체보기] - BTS 방탄소년단 슈가·RM·진 코로나 확진 돌파감염 자가격리 재택치료
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